Brand Icon = Mascot

So you have probably noticed brand icons are everywhere – on your way to work, in every advertisement, and attached to nearly every brand. Some of the most famous brand icons include the Geico® Gecko, Tony the Tiger who munches on those delightful Frosted Flakes®, or...

Branding… Like with a Hot Iron?

>Not exactly… well, sometimes. Depending on what part of the nation that you grew up in, when you think of branding, you either think of searing hot metal rods used to claim livestock property or you think of some of America’s mega-brands like McDonald’s® golden...

Why Genius Simple Branding?

Whether you have reached the enlightened point of genius or not, the key to a strong brand is simplicity. Like I always say, “Anyone can make branding complicated and muck it up for the customer – it takes a genius to keep things simple.” Everyone...

What is Branding?

At least once a year, we at Orbit Design like to revisit the basics of branding in a Genius Simple manner.  The way branding is perceived, or the “brand” of branding (if you will) is a dynamic, ever-changing concept – this is why the occasional refresher is always...

Injecting Inspiration into Your Presentations

At our Dojo (Angela Jankouski of Turning Point Presentations puts on these intense 3-person plus Angela dojos on improving presentations), we discussed the use of inspiration. Right in step with the calendar, Angela played a video of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a...