The Genius Simple Blog
Categories: Branding | Getting the Word Out | Putting Your Web to Work | Training Your Sales People | Videography | Law Firms | Office Products | Higher Education
The Symbol Of Color
A brand is a complex entity that carries a number of associations with it. Certain colors invoke certain feelings in your crowd while attaching specific characteristics to your company.
Don’t Let Your Rebranding Be A Recall
Rebranding spices up your old brand; it gives your company more accurate appeal.
Brand Icon = Mascot
Brand your company to make it easy for your customers to “buy in” to an identity. Market your brand to find a balance of finding your crowd and letting your crowd find you – you can proactively promote your brand while also passively attracting your crowd to your brand.
Branding… Like with a Hot Iron?
Orbit Design believes that your brand is the basis for all successful sales efforts. Similar to those poor cattle in Kansas that are getting branded by their owners to clearly identify their livestock property, your company’s brand should clearly convey its identity to its customers.
Why Genius Simple Branding?
The key to a strong brand is simplicity. When a brand is simple and genius, it is easily understood so that no employee or manager is stumped about what your company’s branding promise.
At ABC, Dealers Learn How to Use the ‘Science of Buzz’ to Build a Strong Brand
In today’s fast-paced, information-saturated economy, a strong brand is critical for any business if they are to cut through the clutter to reach their chosen market and build sales. In a presentation titled “The Science of Buzz: How Branding Lights Up Sales,”...
What is Branding?
Roswell answers two common questions: “Are branding and advertising the same thing?” and “Then, are branding and design the same thing?
Injecting Inspiration into Your Presentations
At our Dojo (Angela Jankouski of Turning Point Presentations puts on these intense 3-person plus Angela dojos on improving presentations), we discussed the use of inspiration. Right in step with the calendar, Angela played a video of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a...
Have You Done Your Branding Homework?
I don’t care if the person on the other end of the line wants our firm to design a business card or a complete sales action system … the first question I ask is: “Have you done your branding homework?” What I’m asking is: have you taken the time to examine the value...