The Genius Simple Blog

Are You a Web Hoarder?

With the emergence of easily update-able Websites, web hoarding has become a problem. To give you a recent example; We are working with a client with over 800 pages on their website. Everyone in the company had been given the user name and password to the dashboard...

Hungry for Branding?

Hungry for Branding? There is not a one-size-fits-all branding solution ... just like there is never a one-dish-appeals-to-all option at a restaurant. Each company that we work with is in a unique market, selling from a unique position, using a unique brand to drive a...

Bring Your Web Back to Life

Working on web content with independent dealers, we frequently run into two problems. Either the content is dead and hasn’t been touched for years or else, the content has been patch-worked together and has grown into an incoherent monster. Fortunately, there’s a way...

Boost Your SEO, Get a Google+ Account

You’re probably familiar with Google. It’s the search engine that quickly tells you the name of that “restaurant in downtown Denver with the great happy hour mussels”. But what about Google+? Before you groan about having to deal with another social media site, hear...

Does Your Business Need a Blog? YES!

Today’s business is all about customer engagement. Customers want – no, demand – consistently updated material from businesses. Customers also don’t like doing business with faceless companies; they want someone they can relate to. That’s why businesses are jumping...

Usability: Making Your Website Intuitive

We've all been there before: cruising a new website, interested in the products or services that are offered, clicking around like crazy consistently failing to find basic information such as a phone number. After a minute or two of clicking and skimming content, you...

YouTube Meets Twitter

Is Vine the next great way to advertise? Vine has been deemed “the next big thing” for advertisers and has burst on the scene with over 13 million users since starting up at the end of January. Everyone from Microsoft to Daft Punk have quickly jumped onboard, but is...

The Chain Reaction of a “Like”

Facebook may seem like a gossipy social media platform that some use as their personal diary, but it’s actually the most effective form of social media for small businesses. You’re laughing, aren't you? I’m serious guys! If you’re looking to boost your company’s...