New! Orbit Website Health Program

With new software being developed every day, updates are important to protect your website from hackers and malicious code. It may seem easy to login to your WordPress Dashboard and hit the “update now” button whenever it appears, but the truth is that...

Check the Health of Your Website

As a business owner, you want to make sure that all of your employees are happy and healthy because they are the key to your company’s success. You also want to make sure that all of your equipment is up-to-date so that they can efficiently do their job. But...

Smart Landing Pages Collect Leads

Landing pages are created with a single purpose – to convert visitors into leads. At Orbit, we believe that landing pages are a great tool for businesses to generate leads and we even help create them. But how do you create a landing page that will actually...

What Exactly is a Landing Page?

You’ve heard the buzz and now you’re wondering if you should take a jump into the world of landing pages. But what exactly are they and what do they do? Most importantly, what can they do for your business? To start at the beginning, a landing page is a...