>Not exactly… well, sometimes.

Depending on what part of the nation that you grew up in, when you think of branding, you either think of searing hot metal rods used to claim livestock property or you think of some of America’s mega-brands like McDonald’s® golden arches or Coca Cola’s® trademarked shade of red.  In either situation, you wouldn’t be wrong – both are examples of branding. The type of branding found in the commercial sphere has a long lasting impression on society demonstrating pure branding genius. With many different perceptions of branding, inevitably comes many misconceptions about what branding is and what it does for a business.


Over the years, we’ve stumbled upon countless definitions of what “branding” means to different people.  For us, a brand encompasses several things: identity, personality, trademarks, intellectual property, a branding promise, a slogan, credibility kickers, icons, apathy killers, positioning, messaging, marketing materials, and the list goes on and on and on…

Orbit Design believes that these components within your brand are the basis for all successful sales efforts. Similar to those poor cattle in Kansas that are getting branded by their owners to clearly identify their livestock property, your company’s brand should clearly convey its identity to its customers.

The point is, that there is much more to branding as it applies to you and your business.  Branding goes beyond just “make it look cool.”  When introduced to the concept of simple branding, any business and/or individual person can benefit.

Brand well and prosper!

Andy Cleary