At least once a year, we at Orbit Design like to revisit the basics of branding in a Genius Simple manner.  The way branding is perceived, or the “brand” of branding (if you will) is a dynamic, ever-changing concept – this is why the occasional refresher is always beneficial for us and our brand-curious friends.  Allow me to address some frequently asked questions:


Are branding and advertising the same thing?

>Branding is often compared to advertising because they truly are similar.  Advertising is usually done campaign by campaign.  Different times, different strategies, same company.  Branding, like a family motto, is something that is carefully designed to define the values and objectives of a business for all internal and external stakeholders.  A brand will likely evolve and change, but it always acts as a map for your business goals.  On that note, advertising campaigns prove to be stronger and more cohesive when they are backed up by a solid brand.

Then, are branding and design the same thing?

>Even though branding and design are almost always associated, they are not the same thing.  You can have one without the other but they consistently work better together.  Like advertising, design is stronger and more cohesive when it is built upon a solid brand foundation.  In turn, branding is always expressed most clearly when it is supported by a fully thought-out design strategy.

Brand well and prosper!

Andy Cleary